Sunday, June 27, 2010

on 8 comments

Blue metallic foil

I can't believe that it's almost the end of June and I have only posted once this month.  It's just not good enough is it.

I have heaps of colours and polishes swatched, so I think I might do a few posts that are light on with text and just pictures, which is what we are all really here for anyway, the pictures, not to listen to me babble on.

This here was another foil creation.  This was a very shiney metallic blue foil, which when applied to the nail gets this incredible stipe across it as it follows the curve of the nail.

Here is a close up.

I really love foils, and have to say that application does get better with practice.
Till next time.


  1. love this look!

  2. This is so pretty! What brand did you use?

  3. Woooooow, blingy! I like it a lot! <3

  4. Thanks ladies - glad you like it too. As far as brand, not sure what they are, but I bought them online from

  5. This is beautiful. What an awesome colour! And welcome back, we've truly missed your posts. :) You were awol for awfully long.

  6. I have been looking to buy foil. Thank you for this post. It looks great.

  7. That's really different! How did you do that? Can you do a tutorial?

  8. The last polish, the foil one, it's absolutely stunning. I looove it!


About Me

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I live in Canberra, Australia with my husband, Mr Ten and Miss Eight. My blog is all about nail polish, and a few other bits in between. You can contact me at