Wednesday, January 29, 2014

on 9 comments

Bright yellow reverse stamped flowers

I created this mani to match my outfit earlier this week. I used OPI I can't Copa-Cabana, which is the most perfect yellow polish. I did some reverse stamping, where you paint onto the stamper, colour it in, let it dry then press it to your nail onto slightly tacky top coat. 

I was quite happy with the mani and it matched my yellow, black and white dress very nicely.  What I didn't like was the greasy shine marks that I later discovered on all my photos.

You see Miss Three likes to steal my camera, unbeknown to me.  Whenever she steals it she leaves finger prints all over the lens, which of course I never think to check before taking my photos. I only discover that she has stolen my camera when I download the photos and discover beauties such as theses!

She received a Style Me Up nail kit at Christmas, which was still unopened.  So she had opened it up herself and then proceeded to take photos of her bottles of polish!

I'm guessing this one is an attempt at photographing her nails, but she just missed the mark.

I must try to remember to check the lens every time before I take my nail photos.


  1. LOL!!! Priceless. Lovely mani from Mum too :)

  2. so lovely...

    Eva -

  3. That is incredibly sweet. What a precious photo of her little hand emulating Mommy. The manicure is sweet also.

  4. Ahh, she's her Mama's girl alright, this must have touched your heart and it's lovely of you to share this story. There are some things that you just can't be mad about. She's a precious mini me (you). This is a beautiful manni too, thank you x

  5. That is too adorable. I love the main too!

  6. Awww,!

    And I lovee this manicure ;)
    Xx JUlia

  7. These are so bright and fun and cheery :D And lovely photos to discover! haha


About Me

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I live in Canberra, Australia with my husband, Mr Ten and Miss Eight. My blog is all about nail polish, and a few other bits in between. You can contact me at